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Reminiscence #0904_2/ 2004 - Satoshi Kinoshita
REMINISCENCE #0904_2/ 2004  
( Satoshi Kinoshita )

Series: Paintings: Landscape
Medium: Acrylic on stretched canvas
Size (inches): 17.7 x 17.7
Size (mm): 450 x 450
Catalog #: PA_057
Description: Signed, titled, date, copyright in magic ink on the reverse.

reminiscence (rem-i-nissens):

In the psychology of learning, an improvement in recall, over that shown on the last trial, of incompletely learned
material after an interval without practice. [L. reminiscentiae, from reminiscor, to remember]

-Stedman's Online Medical Dictionary, 27th Edition.

It is a myth that art has to be sold. It is not like stocking a grocery store where people fill a pushcart. Art is a product that has no apparent need. The salesperson builds the need in the mind of the buyer.

-Jack White

A good artist/gallery relationship will ensure that the buyer is kept abreast of the artist's development in an effort to maintain an interest in the artist.

-Chris Tyrell

Painting is an art, selling is a business. Therefore, it makes economic sense that artists and galleries need each other.

-Jo Scott-B

send price request

Gallery opening
500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1820 (Between 42nd and 43rd) ...
Series Paintings: Landscape
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Psychedelia #0704_1/ 2004Psychedelia #0704_2/ 2004Psychedelia #0704_3/ 2004Metamorphosis #0704/ 2004Reminiscence #0704/ 2004Psychedelia #0704_4/ 2004Psychedelia #0704_5/ 2004Psychedelia #0704_6/ 2004Free Association #0704/ 2004Sleep Stages #001/ 2003-2004Reminiscence #0804_1/ 2004  Reminiscence #0804_2/ 2004
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Intolerance of ambiguity #0205/ 2005Condensation #0205/ 2005Color and form sorting test #0205/ 2005Psychedelia-Metamorphosis #0605/ 2005Divinity #0805/ 2005Guitar Pallet #0805/ 2005After Dinner #0805/ 2005Untitled (Central Park Mist, 2003) #0903/ 2003Psychedelia-Metamorphosis #0905/ 2005Metamorphosis #1005_1/ 2005Metamorphosis #1005_2/ 2005Metamorphosis #1005_3/ 2005
Metamorphosis #1005_4/ 2005Metamorphosis #1105_1/ 2005Metamorphosis #1105_2/ 2005Guitar Pallet #1105/ 2005Anxious Object #1105/ 2005Metamorphosis #1205_1/ 2005Psychedelia-Metamorphosis #1205/ 2005Conception Synchromy #0106_1/ 2006Conception Synchromy #0106_2/ 2006Conception Synchromy #0106_3/ 2006Conception Synchromy #0206_1/ 2006
Biography of 'Satoshi Kinoshita'
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    Copyright © 2003 Japanese Contemporary Fine Art Gallery of New York, Inc . All rights reserved.